Publications 2018
M. Bérubé, and B. Dupont (2018), Mujahideen mobilization: Examining the evolution of the global jihadist movement’s communicative action repertoire, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, DOI: 10.1080/1057610X.2018.1513689.
F. Fortin, S. Paquette, and B. Dupont (2018), From online to offline sexual offending: Episodes and obstacles, Aggression and Violent Behavior, 39, 33-41.
V. Crosset et B. Dupont (2018), Internet et propagande jihadiste: la régulation polycentrique du cyberespace, Critique Internationale, (78), 107-125.
B. Dupont, A.-M. Côté, J.-I. Boutin, et J. Fernandez (2017), Darkode: Recruitment patterns and transactional features of “the most dangerous cybercrime forum in the world”, American Behavioral Scientist, 61 (11), 1219-1243.